Top 5 On-page Elements that Should Contain Your Targeted Keywords

Search engines rank web pages and not websites, so you need to make every targeted page of your site search engine friendly. Every page should have its own targeted keywords and that page should be optimized for those keywords. So here are the top elements of a page where you should place your targeted keywords –

Page Title – Title tag is the single most important tag for SEO and it must contain your exact targeted keywords. Title tag has the highest influence to rank a particular page and should be unique based on the context of a page. So make sure that every targeted page of your site got unique SEO friendly title tag.

Heading – Heading tags are another important element of a page that influence your ranking. So your page headings such as H1, H2 or H3 should have meaningful description and contain your targeted keywords.

Body Content – “Content is the king” – that’s a well known quote of SEO. Relevancy of a page for some particular targeted keywords directly relates to the content of that page. Keyword weight of your body content should be 3% to 5% as a general practice. Keyword weight is calculated as – [{(Number of words in the keyword phrase x Keyword frequency) / Total words} x 100]. So make sure your content is developed by keeping SEO in mind.

Internal Links – Anchor text links among different pages within your website influence relevancy of the linked page for the linked text. For example, if we link our onpage optimization service page with the anchor “on page optimization services” – this will increase link relevancy of that page with that term and eventually increase rankability of that landing page.

Meta Description – Though Meta Description tag doesn’t have any direct impact to rank a page but it still often influences CTR (Click Through Ratio) of a page when it qualifies to rank on SERP.  If written properly, Meta description appears on SERP just below your page title. If you include the search terms or keywords in Meta Description those would be bold by search engines in SERP.

We understand there are several other onpage elements that directly or indirectly influence the performance of a page. Share your view by commenting – we would love to hear from you.