Three Useful Tips for Last-Minute SEO
Search Engine Optimisation is something which is required in order to enhance a company’s chances of attracting greater traffic. In fact, in the modern world, nobody can do without it; especially if they happen to be an e-commerce concern. SEO mainly revolves around keyword research; i.e. searching for terms related to a business which are the most searched by any people who are looking for a company that provides those services/products which they’re searching for. Let’s get this a little simpler: If company A deals with electronic goods, then they will look up search volumes of terms such as “electronic geysers” or “sound systems” (products which they deal in). These are the terms which are the most likely to be searched for by people on the internet who are looking to buy electronic goods. Hence, the word or term which has the greatest search volume would be picked up and used overwhelmingly in the text of the website. Alongside, they are also used in the web URL and the video links. But often the best optimisation techniques come in for a failure. So, it is necessary to learn how to optimise the tried-and-tested techniques for search engine optimisation. This is even more appropriate when the holiday or break season is nearing. And you have to think about keeping your website up on the rank it presently maintains; in fact, get it to an even higher spot if possible. In order to make sure that your website continues garnering views and ranks for the holiday period, here are some vital tips. Read below:
1. It is of foremost importance to optimise titles and descriptions correctly. They have a more lasting impact on the marketing campaign than any other thing. In fact, even the texts of the websites do not matter as much as the ones in the URLs. The more attractive your page title is, the more is it likely to get a high number of clicks. Also, if a highly-ranked relevant keyword is somehow included in the title, then it automatically will find itself tied to a high rank. Thus, you should have a two-in-one approach: Aim for clicks while simultaneously fitting the Google criteria for ranking high.
2. In case you’re a business that has got a presence in the virtual world, then it is important to regularly visit, update and optimise the “My Business” page of Google. This has multiple benefits. Not only does it certify before Google that you have a business with an identifiable location, but it also provides for a Knowledge Graph that includes results from the “My Business” page of your company. This is of immense help to people who might be searching for your brand. Having a My Google Page account would help your potential customers to successfully bypass all the rival companies’ AdWords results from gaining prominence in the Google results page. As a result, viewers will invariably click on your page. All you need to do is get your company verified by the Google postcard that would be sent to your location on request. This is a huge game-changer when it comes to local SEO optimisation.
3. Reverse the keyword focus; this is one of the most essential last-minute preparations which are required in order to grab rankings at the last minute. Sometimes it so happens that there is too much competition for the top-ranked keyword and hence, you’re not able to get the most out of them; and as a result you’re constantly losing out on competition and rankings. In such circumstances, it would make sense to go for the lesser-ranked keywords and optimise your web content with those, so as to find yourself a niche market. Once you get acquainted with the users of the said niche market, you can be assured of a leading spot in them.
All these tips would be really helpful for you to get ready for your next SEO holiday. As the saying goes, “plan with care and you will not repent in leisure”.